Stay Warm in the Surf this Winter: 7 Ways to Fight the Cold
Surf sauna, not an option for many. Unfortunately.
For some ocean lovers, it’s approaching the time of year where the water temperature has dropped low enough to start thinking about bringing the gloves, boots and affectionately nicknamed ‘twat caps’ out of summer hibernation. Coldwater surfing requires a whole new level of loyalty. Surfers who only frequent warm waters fail to understand the dedication required to brave the elements when the ocean plummets to rock bottom temperatures.
But for those who live on coasts where the best swells come ashore when the water is coldest, consider yourselves part of an exclusive club. Not your average surfer - but an elite breed who are prepared to suffer the discomfort of brain-freeze every time their head plunges underwater. A slightly more determined variety of wave rider. At least that’s what you'll keep telling yourself as you change into a freezing cold wetsuit. In a damp car park. On a gloomy, grey winters day. “Warm water is for wimps,” you mutter, not entirely convincingly.
To try and alleviate the suffering and make winter surf sessions a whole lot more bearable, godammit even enjoyable, keep the cold at bay for as long as possible.
Here's how:
Stay sealed!
This, of course, is obvious. While slightly leaky neoprene doesn’t really matter in thin summer rubber, the smallest of perforations in a winter suit will let in the ice-cold water, preventing the wetsuit from retaining any heat. Regular winter warriors will probably need a replacement suit every other year. And it is worth investing in a quality wetsuit. Fortunately, Clean Lines offers the perfect solution to see through the winter with its 5/3 Thermal. High-quality, affordable, and perfect for keeping the cold out.
However, if the budget is tight, then invest in some neoprene glue and seal up the holes yourself. Wetsuit glue is readily available from everyone’s favourite auction site and is an easy way to keep the water out. And make sure your gloves and boots are a snug fit. There’s nothing worse than involuntarily acquiring ‘clown feet’. The water has a nasty way of finding the smallest gaps and filling with water, resulting in a temporary growth in shoe size. You think it’s annoying when you tread on your leash? Try surfing with bigger feet than you're used to.
Take some hot water
Fill a large container with warm water and take it with you to the beach. Great for dunking your boots, gloves, and hats into before pulling them on. Amazing for rejuvenating cold extremities when the dreaded ‘claw hand’ has set in. This is also one of the few occasions where coffee from a thermos actually tastes okay, so pack a flask and enjoy a hot cup of slightly plasticy coffee like never before.
Drink plenty
The joys of pissing in your wetsuit are plentiful, but in cold water, the pleasure reaches new heights. It’s like being plugged into a warm water drip, the heat slowly spreading out from your core to give your cold body a whole new lease of life. In order to experience this indulgence as often as possible, drink plenty before heading into the water. A word of warning though: if your hood is part of your suit you may want to consider how desperate you are to warm your ears with your own liquid heat. And probably best to expend all fluids in the first half of the session to allow some ‘flushing out’ to occur.
Change somewhere warm
The aim is to keep the body temperature as high as possible for as long as possible. This means trying to change somewhere warm and dry, not huddled behind the open car door trying to stop the wind from blowing away the small towel protecting your modesty. In the car is an option, although takes practice. Or change at home and drive to the beach in your wetsuit.
Stay active in the water
Don’t sit in the line-up shivering. Keep moving. Regular paddling keeps the blood circulating and the body warm. And race to make it over the top of those cleanup sets; keeping your head above the water will retain the warmth stored in your suit, and the increased heart rate keeps the body generating heat.
Choose your pre-surf meal carefully
As a general rule, the higher the water content of a food, the cooler it will make your body. Fruits and vegetables are mostly water and are easy for your body to digest, causing your body temperature to drop. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are much harder for the body to break down resulting in a rise in body temperature. All of which makes a good case for that pre-surf burger. Alcohol also has a warming effect, and while it would assist with the process of wetting yourself in your suit, it’s probably best saved for the post-session debrief.
Pack your Clean Lines Changing Robe
To keep your body temperature high and to avoid being cold before you even get into the water, try using a Clean Lines changing robe. Surf robes can be worn over your wetsuit on the way to the beach and are perfect for staying warm whilst getting in and out of your wetsuit. And to top it off, the Clean Lines changing robe is made from approximately 100 plastic bottles. Find out more here.